Welcome to VetCareIOP


Welcome to your own personal wellness and recovery journey. 

Welcome back to the basics that will help redefine your future.    

This is a new opportunity to build a positive future. All that is required to embark on this journey, is willingness. We also want to congratulate you on this important step, and while congratulations may seem inappropriate, you are to be commended on reaching out for help. Many individuals find this critical step impossible and are unable to find a solution for their condition. We ask that you take a moment now to realize the importance of this milestone.  

VetCareIOP specializes in the treatment and care of our Veteran population who struggle with substance abuse, addiction, and other dual diagnosis conditions.  We understand the unique challenges that our Veterans face, and offer compassionate, respectful approaches to assist you on this journey. During your admission, you will interact with our experienced team of professionals that will provide you the necessary tools, resources, and encouragement to complete this journey and move confidently into the next.  

No doubt you have many questions. Our team will work with you to answer as many as possible and to keep you engaged, included and active in your individual treatment plan. This is a time of learning, listening, and healing. Our program is designed to enhance the impact your fellow Veterans may have on your personal journey, and you may be surprised to learn early on how these shared struggles can form the basis for therapeutic successes. We also will provide you with ample individual time with counseling and therapy staff, where true and meaningful work towards healing can occur. 

VetCareIOP is proud to be your partner on this journey.  Our team extends their sincere gratitude for your service. We humbly ask now, that you allow us to be of service to you along the path to wellness and recovery.  

In anticipation of a new beginning, 
The VetCareIOP Team

The Mission, The Commitment, The Philosophy 


-Save lives, promote wellness, and encourage those with
addiction related and dual diagnosis conditions to live a productive, healthy
-Promote the acceptance of responsibility, the willingness to
make necessary changes and the embracement of wellness and recovery
- Give our Veterans the tools, resources, and encouragement
to make healthy lifestyle choices.
- Improve the physical, emotional, spiritual, and family health
of our Veterans.


- Provide confidential, compassionate, and competent
help in the Veterans wellness and recovery journey.
- Provide honest, open communication and assessment
to the best of our professional ability.
-Provide each Veteran with tools, resources, and
encouragement to embrace their wellness and recovery journey.
- Provide evidence-based, individualized care to our
- Provide a safe, healing, therapeutic environment for
Veterans in our care.


The VetCareIOP philosophy of wellness and recovery guides our approach to
addiction treatment and the treatment of co-occurring disorders.
-We believe the first step towards a solution is admitting there is a problem.
-We believe it is critical to identify root causes, family history, trauma, and
personal history.
-We believe part of creating a solution is to assess each Veteran using proven assessment tools, and to include the key areas of Physical, Emotional,
Spiritual and Family Health.
-We believe the identification and assessment process will allow us to proceed in developing a master treatment plan that accurately reflects the Veterans core needs and exposes the critical areas of concern.
-We believe that intensive cooperation and involvement of the Veteran in the development of a master treatment plan is non-negotiable.
-We believe that acceptance, willingness, and active participation are critical to a Veterans success – this participation is also non-negotiable.
-We believe the maintenance of your Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual health is vital to lasting recovery and wellness.

The VetCareIOP program is intentionally designed to work within a Veterans lifestyle, priorities, and commitments and to comport with wellness and recovery from addiction and other dual diagnosis conditions. We aim to promote healthy choices; health daily living and role model the tools required to be successful in this journey.

VetCareIOP provides multiple methods, therapeutic models and educational
opportunities that allow each Veteran to choose achievable and sustainable ways to maintain sobriety. These approaches also allow for the individual to choose which method will best support ongoing and continued maintenance of mental health concerns. VetCareIOP provides support beyond the Veteran, to include family members or loved ones who will be critical in aftercare and long-term support.

Veterans are given access to a multidisciplinary team of professionals to help them navigate their wellness and recovery journey. In agreement with our mission and our philosophy, the tools, resources, and treatments provided are all geared to support the overall health of the Veteran. Successful completion of the VetCareIOP program is determined by noted improvement in the areas of assessment done during the initial intake. While some standardized measurements are used, in most areas andin all cases the determination of a successful completion is made on a case-by-case basis by consensus of the clinical team.

Referral Process


How Does Virtual Intensive Outpatient Programming Work?